I graduated!

On May 15th, I graduated with a Bachelors of Arts in Architecture and a minor in Regional and City Planning. Over the past four years I have been exposed to a wide variety of subjects, points of view, and world experiences. But most of all, I have learned more about myself over the past four years than anything else. While late night studio culture was not always my favorite, I have found a true calling in architecture. I have been able to weave my original passion of sustainability and environmental sciences into my studies, while also learning about design theory and how we all interact with the built environment. I am excited to start my career in architecture, and have already bought A.R.E. 5.0 study guide books.

While I would have preferred to not go to school during a pandemic, I can wholeheartedly say that these have been the best four years of my life. I am lucky enough to have a fantastic base of friends and family who have kept me happy, healthy, and solvent. At Cal I have made many lifelong friends, learned a ton, and have become more confident about my identity in this world. I will forever and always be a California Golden Bear.


Go Bears!